Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Not sure if macaroni salad is for lovers...

What is it about pre-packaged macaroni salad that burns my tongue a little bit and leaves me wanting more? It’s like the elbows (always elbows!) are jabbing me under the chin.

Then I started thinking about Hawaiian-Style mac sal. Keep it simple, Hawaii! Necessarily requiring dried then overcooked elbow macaroni and large quantities of Mayonnaise, plate-lunch-style mac salad sounds like a dream. Or torture. I can't decide for the life of me which!

Anyway, here's what I look for, for what it's worth:

Elbow (yes, Elbow!) Macaroni well cooked, drained and cold
Dill Pickle Relish
Black Pepper
(probably won't need but I'd add it anyway) Salt to taste
A hot dog with a bun, for garnish.

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